According to a spokesperson for the Academy of General Dentistry, there are a few things you may be doing that are destroying your teeth…
Brushing too soon after eating
Consuming acidic foods and beverages is a part of everyone’s diet. Whether it is a citrus fruit or a glass of wine, these contain a lot of acid, which can erode enamel. If you brush too soon after consuming acidic foods, you can actually do more damage than good. Brushing too soon with those additional acids on your teeth means that you are brushing the acid into your teeth! Instead, opt to rinse your mouth with water and wait 30 minutes before you brush.
Not replacing your toothbrush often enough
You are supposed to replace your toothbrush every three to four months, but many of us forget to change our brushes. Forgetting to replace your brush is a big problem because if overused, your brush becomes ineffective. In addition, the excess bacteria that exists within your bristles could cause infections and other oral health issues. It’s also important to replace your toothbrush if you have had a cold.
Using a hard-bristled toothbrush
If you are an aggressive brusher, then you should opt for a soft-bristled brush. A hard-bristled brush, coupled with hard brushing, can lead to gum problems. Soft bristles, when brushed softly in a circular motion on your teeth, can prevent damage to your gums.
Ask your dentist about the best brushing practices for your mouth!